Randall Lowe

Randall Lowe and his wife Heather sold their house and quit their jobs to pursue a dream of living on the sea 3 years ago. Randall created Off-Grid Catamarans to help others live this dream. Each sailboat is different with its own unique systems and flaws.

On Randall and Heather’s Youtube Channel, Altared Course, they post their yearlong adventures and challenges during the off-season. If you’re curious about how they have solved their problems from weather, RV’s, and boat repairs, checking out their channel can offer further proof of their expertise and problem solving skills.

That is why with a decade of experience installing technical systems, Randall can help walk you through, and create a tailored plan for your boat. Randall doesn’t just have technical skills, he’s lived the life, knowing the ins and outs of what works and what doesn’t.

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collage photo of Randall and Heather

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Work Experience

  • Sales Manager at Samsung
  • Relationship Manager at First Tennessee Bank
  • President at InVision Systems Inc.
  • Owner, Design Consultant at Elevate Tech.
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